Exhibition Warschau CACIB (PL) 12.07.2008

Fabricius od Trojske skaly

Catalog No: 835
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Hans Müller (CH)
Written critics: Strong male with very elongated body, should be a little faster, normal bone, parallel limbs set, correct bite, the move could be a bit more dynamic

Ajer Kazko Slupski

Catalog No: 837
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Hans Müller (CH)
Anwartschaft: CWC, CACIB, bester Rüde

Dares od Trojske skaly

Catalog No: 838
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Hans Müller (CH)
Anwartschaft: Bronze-Medaille